September 2016

Jumat, 30 September 2016

FOKUS UTAMA (AHA 2015- untuk CPR dan ECC)

Everbuying INT

Pembaruan Pedoman AHA 2015 untuk CPR dan ECC sangat berbeda dengan Pedoman AHA untuk CPR dan ECC edisi sebelumnya
Komite ECC menetapkan versi 2015 ini sebagai pembaruan, yang hanya mencakup topik yang ditangani berdasarkan pemeriksaan bukti ILCOR 2015 atau yang diminta oleh jaringan pelatihan. 
Keputusan ini memastikan bahwa kita hanya memiliki satu standar untuk evaluasi bukti, yakni proses yang dibuat oleh ILCOR. 
Sebagai hasilnya Pembaruan Pedoman AHA 2015 untuk CPR dan ECC 2015 bukan merupakan revisi menyeluruh dari Pedoman AHA 2010 untuk CPR dan ECC (2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC). 
Versi terpadu tersebut tersedia secara online di

Akan ada banyak sekali perubahan-perubahan terutama untuk kometmen, persiapan yg  matang pembentukan pusat resusiti, (terutamaa/ disarankan pada rumahsakit yg bisa melakukan PCI)
untuk teknis nya juga ada sedikit perubahan, ttg frekwensi dlm CPR, kedalaman CPR. 
Padaa AHA 2015 dilakukan pemasangan/kejut AED dulu, baru CPR( Dewasa) 



Rabu, 28 September 2016

Having More Sex Makes Men More Spiritual, Closer To God

An interesting research has revealed that having more sex increases men's spirituality and belief in God. Apparently, the release of the "love hormone", oxytocin not only promotes social closeness and helps in childbirth, but also triggers increased feelings of religiousness.
Reports say that according to the new study by researchers at Duke University, sex can truly be a religious experience, which draws men much closer to God, all thanks to the infamous "love hormone", oxytocin which is usually released during sexual intercourse, childbirth, breastfeeding and increases love and affection.
However, the new study revealed that boosted levels of oxytocin in middle-aged men increased self-reported spirituality and also that this significant effect lasted about a week. For the study, a control group, who received a placebo, did not report an increase in their levels of spirituality. But, those who received the hormone reported more positive emotions during meditation, reported
Patty Van Cappallen, a social psychologist and the lead author of the study said: "Spirituality and meditation have each been linked to health and well-being in previous research. "We were interested in understanding biological factors that may enhance those spiritual experiences," she told the university's newspaper Duke Today. "Oxytocin appears to be part of the way our bodies support spiritual beliefs."
Everbuying INT

Researchers also said that not all of them had previously reported that faith was a part of their lives. They also said that they expressed a feeling of oneness with other people and living things. Daily Mail reported that oxytocin apparently starts positive emotions like as awe, gratitude, hope, inspiration, love, and serenity. However, it was also found that not everyone was affected equally. Researchers said that those with a certain gene called CD38 which regulated its released in the brain had a much more heightened response.
Meanwhile, Dr. Van Cappellen also said that an additional study needs to be done with women as the chemical operates differently according to different genders. She added saying: "Spirituality is complex and affected by many factors. However, oxytocin does seem to affect how we perceive the world and what we believe. "Oxytocin's effects on women's spirituality still need to be investigated."


Kamis, 22 September 2016

Cuddling Your Cat Can Be Dangerous For Your Health: A Bad News For Cat Lovers

Bad news feline lovers, reports have been scattering that cuddling your cats can do you harm. We all know that pet cat can reduce stress for cat lovers. Research shows that a new disease has been discovered and it may affect the relationship you have with your cats. But can they really do you harm?

A large-scale survey was conducted by doctors from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US. They discovered a cat-borne bacterial disease known as "cats scratch." This disease apparently causes fever, pustules and for some, it may even be deadly.
People get the disease from stray kittens that are more likely infected. It can be transmitted when you are scratched by a cat that has the disease. Not only that, once the cat was infected, you can also be if you don't wash your hands after touching the cat. Infection may be worse if you put your hands in your mouth without cleansing them.
Experts also advise that rough playing and kissing a stray cat should be extremely avoided. Thus, the cat owner should also avoid letting their pets interact with other stray cats because fleas from other cats can also spread the disease, according to The Telegraph.
CDC expert Dr. Christina Nelson said, "The scope and impact of the disease is a little bit larger than we thought, "Cat-scratch is preventable. If we can identify the populations at risk and the patterns of disease, we can focus the prevention efforts."

In line with this, a report by the NHS Choices states that scratches and animal bites are commonly infected. The questions have been running such as people don't know if all the cases have been positively confirmed for it is also possible that some cases are just misdiagnosed as other illness.
For now, cat owners just have to be cautious on dealing with their cats. Diseases these days can come in all sorts of strains and sources. Especially with stray cats, for we don't know how intense the disease they might be carrying.


Kamis, 01 September 2016



Perawatan pasien dengan alat bantu pernapasan yang bersifat mekanik

Untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya infeksi

Persiapan Alat
·         Hypavix
·         Gunting
·         Satu set tubing ventilator steril
·         Set Intubasi
·         Resusitator manual ( ambu bag )
·         Sarung tangan
·         Stetoskop
·         Cuff Inflator
·         Set suction
·         Kateter suction no 14

Pelaksanaan :

  •  Perawat mencuci tangan dan memakai sarung tangan
  •  Beritahu dan jelaskan ( bila pasien sadar ) tentang tindakan yang akan dilakukan kepada pasien 
  •  Atur posisi pasien setengah duduk ( semifowler ), atau senyaman mungkin dan jaga posisi ETT jangan sampai tertekuk ataupun tercabut
  •  Alirkan NGT
  • Lakukan suction sesuai prosedur. Untuk ETT lakukan suction dengan tehnik tertutup agar ETT selalu bersih sehingga tidak muncul plak pada selang ETT dan untuk mulut gunakan suction dengan kateter no 14
  •  Lakukan pengempesan cuff sesuai prosedur, selanjutnya dilakukan tiap 6 jam
  •  Selalu perhatikan batas pemasangan ETT yang masuk kedalam mulut
  •  Bila plester pada ETT terlihat kotor, gantilah dengan plester hypavix dan  hati-hati jaga agar posisi ETT tidak berubah
  •  Lakukan pergantian posisi ETT ke ujung bibir kanan atau kiri setiap pagi hari ( bila memungkinkan )
  •  Periksa posisi ETT dengan stetoskop, cek kesamaan bunyi napas di paru kanan dan kiri
  •  Amati pergerakan dada pasien untuk mengetahui pengembangan ke dua paru jika ingin mengetahui secara adekuat auskultasi ke dua sisi dada pasien 
  •  Observasi secara teratur kerja dari ventilator serta posisi dari tubing ventilator
  • Jaga level air dan temperatur dalam humidifier agar tetap adekuat ( air dalam humidifier jangan sampai kosong ataupun terlalu penuh )    
  •  Perhatikan secara rutin air yang ada di tubing ventilator, jika water trap sudah terisi air harus segera dibuang
  •  Perhatikan alarm yang berbunyi dari ventilator, segera lakukan tindakan kalau diperlukan
  •  Lakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium dan radiologi secara berkala sesuai   pesanan dokter untuk mengetahui perkembangan pasien
  •  Sebelum dilakukan tindakan/perawatan ini dilakukan dulu tindakan oral higiene.
 Everbuying INT 
  Bila tubing sudah harus diganti: (maksimal 2x24jam)
  • Lepaskan sambungan tubing ventilator dari ETT pasien 
  •  Lakukan resusitasi manual dengan ambu bag
  •  Ganti tubing ventilator yang sudah dipakai dengan tubing ventilator yang steril dan lakukan SST dan kalibrasi sehingga mesin ventilator siap pakai kemudian kembalikan seting ventilator ke seting awal
  •  Sambungkan kembali ventilator  ke ETT pasien
  •  Amati setiap perubahan yang terjadi pada pasien dan setting ventilator dan buatlah pencatatan
  •  Perawat melepas sarung tangan dan mencuci tangan